Social Anxiety
Do you experience intense anxiety or nervousness when faced with social situations? Are you afraid of doing or saying something that could potentially be embarrassing? Do you worry about being judged or criticized by others? Do you often worry about making mistakes, saying the wrong thing or being inadequate?
The above, are just some of the ways in which social anxiety presents for people. Some people experience mild anxiety and distress, and for others this might feel debilitating. While it is normal to feel nervous in some social situations, people who experience daily social anxiety tend to avoid everyday interactions that cause them significant fear, anxiety, self-consciousness, and embarrassment because they fear being scrutinized or judged by others which affects the quality of their lives.
People with Social Anxiety Disorder often avoid or experience significant distress in the following situations:
Speaking in front of others
Talking to strangers
Being the center of attention
Receiving feedback
Being watched or observed while completing a task
Meeting people in authority, such as important people or authority figures
Meeting new people, or introducing themselves
Potentially something embarrassing or saying the wrong thing
Looking silly or inadequate
Being able to become more tolerant of these situations is a crucial way to improving your functioning and therefore your quality of life. Therapy can help you approach otherwise avoided situations and get the confidence to improve your social interactions. If you feel you may have social anxiety disorder, we encourage you to contact us today for a free 30-minute consultation.